LifeOS Academy Forums General Dating, Sex, and Relationships How often are women approached in the street?

How often are women approached in the street?

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  • #22679


    You know.. The other day there was a thread talking about how every vegan/yogi/crossfitter/whatever always has to tell you they’re into veganism/yoga/crossfit/whatever but never have I ever actually had it happen to me.



    Oh my God!

    I thought there were few approaches, but not no approach.

    I’m surprised



    You know.. The other day there was a thread talking about how every vegan/yogi/crossfitter/whatever always has to tell you they’re into veganism/yoga/crossfit/whatever but never have I ever actually had it happen to me.

    “Oh, I don’t ‘do’ crossfit. I’m a crossfit athlete.”

    She didn’t work for me for very long…



    Yep,that’s very interesting view and i think t’s a very big problem.

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