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What should I write about next?

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  • #20739

    I have a list of about 70 different articles I want to write and can really write about anything. The point of this website is to give you the answers you want, so what should I write about next? What questions do you have that you want answered?

    Let me know and I’ll bump it up the list of priorities.

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  • #21020


    I’d like to have your view of stress. Stress is the underlying root of many modern diseases and its often because of emotional and mental reasons. Therapists often mean that early trauma in life causes some people to be more sensitive to stress and I know studies that show (at least in the workplace) that feeling in control, feeling support and autonomy mitigates stress. I’m sure being able to fulfill your desires, taking ownership and having a purpose has a direct hormonal effect on the body and its stress response. I’d love to read your take on it.



    I’d like to have your view of stress.

    Interesting. I didn’t have this on the list.

    I’ll add it in and see what I can come up with.


    Jonathan Williams

    Interesting. I didn’t have this on the list. I’ll add it in and see what I can come up with.

    I’ve seen in the last years how stress can play a big roll in some of my digestive issues. It’s incredible how the mind can impact the body.



    Here are a couple of ideas:

    • I second the idea of managing stress (bad stress – not necessarily eustress)
    • How to keep things fun/playful in stressful or monotonous situations.
    • Career/Business design – Making the change in careers, or career to self-employed.
    • I recently read Cal Newports Digital Minimalism. Awesome stuff. I’d love to see your take on removing the unnecessary from your life, and building on what provides real value to your life. – essentially what the minimalism movement is about.

    They are just some random things that popped to mind. I’m sure I’ll add any others that come to mind.



    A second one for stress, eh? Can you give me a specific example of what you’re looking for?

    My process is usually meditate, plan, and get shit done. Do you want me to get more indepth with that or is there something else you’re looking for?



    Hey Leigh, I’d like to see your view on organization, planning (for a goal in the future months or so). How to make a great plan and keep with it.




    Testing to see if I can be part of the conversation!



    Testing to see if I can be part of the conversation!

    I hate you more than life itself…



    I’d love to hear your take on Burn Out and how to deal with it. Not only work (definitely work), but also things that you enjoy eg too much exercise, or overdoing something you love such as painting or writing.



    I’d love to hear your take on Burn Out and how to deal with it.

    To be honest, I’m probably not the best person to write about this. My life is so flexible that I can just take a break whenever I want as I’m not on anyone else’s schedule. I work when I want, I surf when I want, I relax when I want, and can structure the specific tasks I’m working on depending on what’s the best fit for my current brain state.

    But, if you’re super keen, I’ll find someone who’s an expert on this to contribute something to the site.

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