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Why are you here?

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  • #19562

    LifeOS is built for one purpose: to help you get the answers you’re looking for. To give you the answers you’re looking for, I first need to know what you’re looking for.

    So, why are you here? What answers are you looking for? If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing about your life, what would you change? And what would your life look like once you made that change?

    Drop your thoughts, ideas, desires, or whatever here. I’m keen to read them.

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  • #21132

    Jonathan Williams

    Congratulations, you just wrote the article. That was easy, next!

    Hahahahahhaha ok. That’s a good thing I guess haha. It means I’m understanding things correctly



    I’m here for two main reasons,

    1) How to be my real self in order to be free.

    2) How to get rid of my low self-esteem which pops up from time to time.



    I’m here for two main reasons, 1) How to be my real self in order to be free. 2) How to get rid of my low self-esteem which pops up from time to time.

    Great, mate. We can definitely help with both of those.



    I’m looking for answers on how to be at peace with myself.

    I want a girlfriend but I know that I’d be placing my happiness on our relationship.

    I also want to live the kind of life I’d love but always hold myself back. For example, I want to visit new places, meet new people, do crazy exciting things but I just sit at home and procrastinate.

    I want to be self-disciplined so that I can live in different countries, become an author, and find out what I want to spend the rest of my life doing



    For example, I want to visit new places, meet new people, do crazy exciting things but I just sit at home and procrastinate.

    I’m about 3,000 words through writing an article on this exact issue. I’ve had to put it aside to write another one that contains more of the foundations necessary for this one to make sense, but it’ll definitely help.



    Ok so the things I’m still learning to incorporate into My life:

    1) Building a social group. – I spent much of My 20’s alone or with people who were nice but I didn’t feel connected to. I’m putting Myself out there much more now, but I’m still finding My way. Trying to figure out what I want to do with people and finding people who can make the time to do things too. It’s been challenging in a city where people have so much time with work so I may need to find people with more time.

    2) Becoming a better coach. I’ve come a long way since I first started CoachingOS but there’s always room for refinements, so any feed back always appreciated!

    3) I’m also exploring other areas of personality that I may have kept hidden due to fear of expressing Myself fully in the past. Things like humour, can still be dependent on who I’m around so I know I have more focus control work.

    4) Brotherhood. I’ve always got on well with Women but in the past I didn’t feel particularly masculine, more like a boy still. Masculine Men made that version of Ashley feel anxious. However, I feel now more in My Masculinity, I feel comfortable with who I am and able to be around Men who are in their Hearts and in their Power.

    5) How to make a success of the location dependent events I’m running and create more of a location independent life.

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